How to Defend Yourself Against Parental Alienation in Indiana

If you are in the middle of a contentious divorce in Indiana and your child is displaying inexplicably negative behavior toward you, it may indicate that you need a solid legal team by your side.

Children often suffer from parental alienation in such situations. The mental condition makes the child reject one parent as they strongly ally with the other. In most cases, parental alienation occurs when the alienating parent fills the child's head with negative thoughts about the other parent. This serious issue can ruin their relationship with the children.

However, parental alienation can be hard to prove, so it is best to work with a family law attorney who has ample experience in such cases. David R. Phillips has got decades' worth of experience in divorce, parental alienation, child support and custody, alimony, grandparents' visitation rights, and other family law matters.

Call 219-929-7060 to discuss how he can help build a case against the other party to save your relationship from further harm or alienation.

Tips for Battling Out the Negativity in Parental Alienation Cases

#1- Never Stop Being a Great Parent

Despite the difficulties, never forget your obligation to be a supportive and loving parent. If your child spies on you or bad-mouths you, do not blame the brainwashed victim — know that your ex-spouse is the perpetrator.

Instead of being an alienator, build a stronger relationship with your child. Think about the negative influence the hurtful thoughts can have on their minds and resist the urge to confirm the negative things the spouse has said about you. Remember: two wrongs never make a right.

Be a role model for your child so they do not grow into troubled individuals. Always show up and tell them you love them. Your supportive behavior will eventually counteract the alienation and negativity. However, being late or not showing up at all can be used as ammunition against you to alienate your child further.

#2- Document Everything

Whether it is text messages, emails, or phone call recordings, document every interaction with the alienating parent, along with the undesirable changes in the child's behavior as a consequence of the brainwashing.

Having solid proof of everything can help you win custody in court. Make sure to document everything from medical records to history and relevant information about behavioral problems and health issues so third parties and judges can review the case with an unbiased perspective.

#3- Back Up Claims with Witness Testimonies

If you are the victim, get help from friends and family members who may have heard or seen enough to back up your claims. This will help you feel supported while also prove as solid evidence if the custody case goes to trial. The witnesses can vouch for your side and testify in court when necessary. The evidence can be especially helpful in showing the alienating parent is not fit for custody.

Parental alienation is a serious issue that impacts numerous families. However, it could be overcome with the right help. Speak to a family law attorney in Indiana if you are concerned that the other spouse is engaging in parental alienation or other undesirable behaviors that can impact your child's well-being and future.

Our family law attorney, David R. Phillips, always meets and exceeds the expectations of all clients, supporting their stressful journey toward getting divorced or fighting for custody. We try to ensure that everything works out according to your best interests when you trust us for personal injury, family law, and criminal law cases.

Set up a consultation now to defend yourself and protect your children and assets as you decide to divorce your spouse in Indiana.