Arbitration, Mediation, and Litigation: Which Should You Choose?

Divorce can get even more stressful when a conflict complicates the proceedings. No matter what the dispute stems from, it can be resolved using various processes, such as arbitration, litigation, and mediation.

Understandably, it can be confusing to choose the best option that applies to your situation. Our Indiana divorce attorney will guide you regarding the best dispute resolution for complications that necessitate unique approaches during a divorce. Before you book an appointment, here's a brief overview to help you understand each approach in greater detail.


Most compassionate divorce attorneys recommend mediation, as it helps avoid the expenses, time, and conflicts involved in litigation. Mediators assist and guide the negotiation process while ensuring each spouse has access to all the information required to settle the case.

These professionals are trained to help both parties reach a resolution based on the best interests of themselves, their children, and other family members. This type of conflict resolution method is used by divorce attorneys in Indiana when there is some hope that both parties will work together to reach an amicable outcome.


Sometimes parties can be worlds apart, requiring them to litigate the differences in court. While it is one of the most costly forms of conflict resolution, sometimes litigation is the only option.

For this situation, you need to ensure that you partner with a competent divorce attorney who can fight for your rights. The lawyer must stand up for the client in front of the judge confidently with powerful evidential defenses to support the case.

Judges have proper authority and power in litigations, which is not the case with arbitrations or mediations. They can subpoena information and order the next steps in a legal process to be taken if both parties are unwilling to cooperate.   


Arbitrators make decisions, and their choices can be binding, like judges in courts. Since they play such a crucial role in judgments, make sure you know all about their education, background, and tendencies before you choose the right one.

Make sure your attorney reads all the binding points before you sign the arbitration agreement. By doing so, even if any party wishes to sue the other, they cannot until the arbitration agreement is valid.

How Our Experienced Family Law Attorney Can Help

The idea of divorce can leave you feeling overwhelmed, as if you are out of options. But our specialist divorce attorney has it all covered, so you do not have to go through the tedious process alone.

Speak to him so you understand your rights and options and ensure a competent legal counsel for personal injury, criminal law, and family law lawsuits. Law attorney, David R. Phillips, helps resolve all kinds of conflicts arising from separation, divorce, child custody and support, alimony, name changes, parenting time, and grandparents' visitation rights, among others.