Break The News Carefully: How To Tell Your Kids You Are Getting A Divorce

Divorce is never easy. But it can be particularly challenging for couples with young children. In addition to worrying about the separation, asset division, child custody, alimony, and other legal issues, there is also the fairly personal and emotionally taxing consideration of how the children would handle the news.

At David R. Phillips Law Firm, we believe "children come first." With an experience of over three decades where many couples separated from each other, some amicably and some with fairly challenging circumstances, our family law attorney approaches each case with sensitivity and expertise to ensure a healthy outcome for everyone, especially the children.

Unfortunately, the major life transition for children makes it stressful, and only open communication helps make the challenging time less painful. However, there are some ways parents can help children to come through on the other side with the utmost resilience, respect, and understanding that helps strengthen their relationship with both parents.

Tried-and-True Tips for Talking to Children about Divorce

#1- Choose the Right Setting and Timing

Timing is crucial when it comes to sharing this news with your children. Pick a time when everyone is calm and relaxed, avoiding significant events or disruptions. Find a quiet and comfortable space where your children feel safe and can express their emotions freely. Ensure you have enough time for an open and uninterrupted conversation. And give them time to process everything at their own pace.

#2- Present a United Front

When sharing the news, try to present a united front as parents. To achieve this, you will need to discuss and agree on key points to convey before having the conversation. This would give children the impression that you are still their supportive and dedicated parents despite the divorce.

#3- Be Honest but Age-Appropriate

While honesty is important when talking to children about divorce, use age-appropriate concepts and language to avoid confusion. Tailor the explanations to every child's developmental level so they can comprehend the situation without feeling overwhelmed, scared, or mentally disturbed. Reassure them that the divorce is not their fault and that both parents will continue to love and support them while keeping them a priority.

#4- Emphasize Routine and Stability

While it is good to give children the opportunity to express their feelings openly so their emotions are validated, reassure them, and ensure that their daily lives and routines will remain consistent as much as possible.

Children thrive on stability and routine, so even though the family structure changes, make sure the visitation schedules, school activities, and other important aspects of their lives remain unaffected. Discuss how decisions about their well-being will still be made jointly, fostering a sense of security and stability.

#5- Seek Professional Support

Consider involving a child therapist or counselor specializing in divorce to provide additional support for your children. A neutral professional can help them navigate their emotions and provide them with coping strategies during this challenging time.

Make sure you check in with your children regularly. Answer their questions with patience and offer ongoing support. Address all their concerns and reassure them that their feelings and thoughts matter to you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse.

Since telling the children about divorce can be an emotionally charged and sensitive task, David R. Phillips will be by your side throughout the process, offering professional support and legally sound advice to help you navigate the challenges of divorce and its aftermath.

As a competent family law attorney, David R. Phillips manages each unique case skillfully, legally, and empathetically, keeping your and your children's best interests at heart while supporting your journey of separating from your spouse.

Besides complex divorces, the family law attorney also deals with lawsuits and complications concerning child custody and support, alimony, property division, prenups and postnups, name changes, visitation, and other issues concerning family law, personal injury, and criminal law.  

Call 219-929-7060 to discuss your case with David R. Phillips confidentially. The family law attorney will suggest tailored solutions to help get positive outcomes and a peaceful future for your family. Contact us now to book an appointment.