What Happens When a Child of Divorced Parents Turns 18?

When a child of divorced parents reaches the age of 18, it often brings about significant changes in their legal status and the dynamics of their relationships with their parents. Understanding these changes and their implications is crucial for the parents and the child involved. In this blog, we will explore what happens when a child of divorced parents turns 18 and the role of your family law attorney in helping you navigate this important milestone.

Legal Independence and Decision-Making

Upon turning 18, the child of divorced parents legally becomes an adult. This means they gain autonomy and independence in making their own decisions, including matters related to education, healthcare, finances, and personal choices. While parents may still offer guidance and support, their authority over the child's decisions diminishes.

Modification of Custody and Support

With the child's newfound legal independence, the existing custody and support arrangements may need to be modified. Once a child of divorced parents turns 18, the court may consider the child's preferences and best interests in determining whether to change custody or support orders. Parents must consult a family law attorney to navigate this process and protect the child's rights and interests.

Parental Responsibility and Financial Support

The financial responsibility and obligations may also change as a child of divorced parents turns 18. Child support payments may cease or be modified based on factors such as the child's educational pursuits, financial independence, or other circumstances. A family law attorney can guide the parents' regarding their legal obligations and the child's rights during this transition.

When a child of divorced parents turns 18, it marks a significant milestone that has legal implications.

Importance of Consulting a Family Law Attorney

Consulting our experienced family law attorney at David R. Phillips can help you better understand the changes and navigate the complexities of modifying custody and support arrangements when a child of divorced parents turns 18.

Attorney David R. Phillips has extensive experience in family law services and can provide tailored guidance to protect the rights and interests of both parents and the child.

Are you looking for a divorce lawyer experienced with custody modifications, support adjustments, and other legal considerations? At David R. Phillips, we can review agreements, provide tailored answers, and help steer your case in the right direction.

Schedule an appointment now to learn what changes once a child of divorced parents turns 18. In addition to family law, we're also experienced criminal law and personal injury lawsuits. Our services extend throughout various communities in Indiana.