Signs Your Divorce Is Going to Be High Conflict

Divorce brings along fairly testing times, even under the best circumstances. Even though many divorces run smoothly, with both parties agreeing swiftly. Even if a conflict arises regarding finances, children, or property, they can be reconciled and addressed through mediation or the court.

However, sometimes the challenges become more formidable and extensive when the situation turns the separation into a high-conflict divorce, requiring the precision skills of an experienced divorce lawyer to navigate them.

With an experience spanning over three decades, David R. Phillips has dealt with many high-conflict divorces. Let's look at a few signs that telltale that a divorce is likely to be high conflict. Knowing the signs from the get-go can help you make smart choices that save you and your family a lot of stress.

Sign #1- Deceitful

The process of divorce can seem like a cyclone if your partner has difficulty being truthful. In these situations, spouses often lie about nearly everything. They spin a dense web of fabrication and deception which could only be cut through by a competent divorce lawyer.

People frequently manipulate the truth when it comes to mutual agreements, parenting, and other things that have happened in the past. Deceitful spouses also attempt to hide assets. Anything they say warrants thorough investigation to determine legitimacy throughout the separation process.

Sign #2- Inability to Compromise

Despite how complex the divorce may be, there are potentially at least some things most couples would agree on unless their motive is revenge and conflict creation. In high-conflict divorces, spouses are usually unwilling to agree to anything, even the most reasonable and simplest items.

They push everything at high stake and refuse ever to make any compromise. They are convinced that compromising will translate into a loss. Such people believe the more difficult the process is, the more their ex-spouse will suffer. The problematic spouse tends to twist everything to dissipate compromises after agreeing to make everything difficult for the other spouse.

Sign #3- Court Order Violation

As soon as the case commences, the court is likely to put temporary orders into place. These could concern visitation, custody, asset distribution, or occupancy of the marital home. When a spouse disregards and violates the order, even in seemingly harmless ways, it is a sign that they will continue to treat the entire divorce process similarly with blatant disrespect.

If you spot any of these signs, remember: knowledge is power! You need to get up to speed on dealing with the situation because you are likely going to be battling a high-conflict divorce. Hiring a capable legal representative with credible experience in dealing with such adversarial situations and people can be the best way to ensure a desirable outcome.

David R. Phillips manages complications legally and skillfully and keeps your and your children's best interests at heart when supporting your journey of separating from a high-conflict spouse.

The family law attorney has ample experience with complex divorces, alimony, child custody, and support, name changes, property division, visitation, prenups and postnups, and other issues concerning family law, personal injury, and criminal law.  

Call 219-929-7060 to set up a consultation so we can discuss your unique case and come up with tailored solutions to ensure a competent representation in the court of law.